I'm under the impression my parents are trying to get rid of my tomorrow. My dad was urging me to go the a Boy Scout campout, which I didn't have the equipment or the time to go on. Greg Wilson then comes over and asks me if I wanna play paintball. Normally I wouldn't suspect anything, but, I dunno. We have houseguests here for the weekend, which I suspect is part of the reason. They normally wouldn't care if I spent all my time playing Halo, but they're sleeping in MY room [grr]. In any case, the circumstances don't quite fit together. They may want to talk to these houseguests about me, and they've probably realized by now that I have SOME way of hearing the conversation in the house. I'm used to eavesdropping on all their conversations, as evil as that sounds. Oh well. A cool day, in any case.

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