Edit: I failed to mention, my costume was exceedingly brilliant. I was, as some of you know, Dr. Schrödinger, the physicist who developed the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment. I sort of (not really) attempted to look like a scientist and carried a box labeled "cat", but absolutely no one understood it. No one.
Returning to the melodrama I spoke of; I think people like to psychoanalyze and gossip about other people's lives because their own lives are otherwise too boring and generic. Making a big deal over things that absolutely don't matter is an excuse to not think about that which actually matters. A further possibility is that people just want something to talk about all the time, another concept that I fail to find myself comprehending. Imagine the horror of having nothing to say (or, ideally, just refraining from saying anything) (also, note the sarcasm of this sentence).
It reminds me a bit of the social commentary within the sixth season of the Sopranos. One of the things they suggested is that we, as a people, are bored, and participate in vaguely stupid activities to cure this. The case they cited would be carnival rides, like the generic spinning teacup thingo (we've all seen and/or ridden it, kind of like your mom). The actual event of getting in a metal hemisphere decorated like a cup and spinning around for fifty seconds isn't fun, but the concept of being thrown around by something more powerful than you, that you have no control over, is. More precisely, the possibility of danger, such as the safeties failing, is what makes it fun. I'm not sure I entirely agree, but it is at least somewhat accurate, in that we're seeking to inject something more interesting than ourselves into our lives, as if what we have isn't enough.
I'm not suggesting we should be self-reliant and isolated. It merely seems to me that people are too reliant on artificial thrills. This is a broad statement - it stretches from alcoholism to thrill-seeking to...a whole lot of other things. Perhaps I'm guilty of this as well, but I don't really know. Refer to the title of this post for my justification to speak so arrogantly on the matter.
Oh, in other news, I ran the mile in 6:11 (lol, that's my address number), which I'm extremely confident I can do better on (I'm thinking like 5:50).
I also hit 39 in Wow (shut up, 60s), and have been positively mopping up in PvP. Then again, it's not a PvP server (and the server as a whole suxxors), but has been fun regardless.
As for SK, my enthusiasm has slowed down a bit as of late. You have played 766 hour(s) so far.
EDIT: lolz

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