Because he isn't brave enough to say it to anyone else, I'll do it for him.
(I should note that this is somewhat obscure for a reason. If you don't know who this is, you probably don't need to.)
* okay, but keep in mind, anywhere you want to go... i've already been there
salandarin: i can't believe you actually had the ovaries to go there
* the sperm bank?
salandarin: it was never a competition or a comparison, not even now
salandarin: i'd drive up there to kick you in the balls, but you don't have any
* of course it's not competition, timothy
* it's simple linear progression
* i was first, you are second
salandarin: you used and abused, i didn't
salandarin: i suppose you're right
salandarin: you manipulated and lied, i didn't
salandarin: you're right!
* one of us is obviously better suited for today's society
salandarin: don't think yourself avante garde, your tactics are as old as humanity
salandarin: you missed out on something amazing, and with that path, you'll never catch even a glimpse of it
salandarin: if you want happiness, you won't find it in yourself
salandarin: i'm willing to take a fair bet that one of us is happy, and one of us isn't
salandarin: and i'll let you in on the secret that i'm happy
* slashdefensive
salandarin: you're the one who's insecurity pushes him to scoff at anything he doesn't understand
salandarin: it's not the first time you pull shit like this, i suppose i'm not really surprised at all
* you're the one whose ignorance pushes him to scoff at anything that challenges his indoctrination
* and no, i am a manipulative sociopath, but i'm not sure what you're referring to
salandarin: i suppose i'm only left wondering if i've aided you in your manipulation, or if i can continue to rest easy in taking the path of honor
salandarin: but that's not a question you can answer
* well, i certainly hope you weren't complicit in whatever it was, cause that wouldn't go over well with deity of the day
salandarin: funny how you fancy yourself on the new, current wave, and yet you accuse me of doing the same thing.
salandarin: everything's the same, in the end, there's nothing new under the sun, including all the world's assholes
salandarin: you could be so much more, and it honestly saddens me that you let yourself come here.
salandarin: whatever; see you around
* okay!
I've spent a while trying to think of what to say to this. I thought about a long analysis of the concept of manliness. I considered a small essay about the pursuit of happiness. I was tempted to list off all the ways you've wronged every person around you. None of it seemed fitting. This does, however.
ROFL, fagwagon, i pwned your n00b ass

This is probably the first time I've ever seen you admit to being what I know you are.
And you know, despite how angry I was (and still am) with you about that shit you know you did, the honesty you display is... welcome.
Oh, and let's not pretend we don't all know who I am.
Also, to Tim: Well played, sir. Well played indeed.
1. This started out as a joke; I left that comment when I first learned you were (blanking) (blank). You neglect to mention you responded like eight hours later. I didn't realize until halfway through that you were trying to 'pwn' me. I thought our friendship was bigger than that.
2. Yes, I am a manipulative sociopath. I'm a compulsive liar too. Anyone who knows me at all (including (blank)) knows this, whether or not either of us admit it. This is called a 'personality flaw' (or 'disorder,' fine). Live with it.
3. You make quite possibly the most pretentious presumption I've ever heard by telling me I'm not happy because I don't fit whatever your (or your indoctrinator's) prescription of what 'happiness' is. You find happiness in ignorance. I find happiness in understanding.
4. I'm truly happy for you that you've found Blank. She may hate my guts now, but I can say unequivocally that she is the smartest, most devilishly (pardon the term) jocose girl I've ever met. While I may regret some things that happened during our (blank), she should know that she is the first girl I ever truly loved, and what mistake I made was out of sadness and desperation. Good luck to the two of you.
Oh, wait...nevermind.
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