The model, as I last touched it, was as follows:
RATIONAL: Father - Truth - Faith - Mind
EMOTIONAL: Son - Goodness - Hope - Heart
SPIRITUAL: Spirit - Beauty - Love - Soul
supernature <--------------------------------------> nature
1) Truth: that which is worthy of faith.
2) Goodness: that which is worthy of hope.
3) Beauty: that which is worthy of love.
4) Faith: our mind's attempt to interact with truth.
5) Hope: our heart's attempt to interact with goodness.
6) Love: our soul's attempt to interact with beauty.
7) Mind: our best tool for understanding truth.
8) Heart: our best tool for understanding goodness.
9) Soul: our best tool for understanding beauty.
To test the accuracy of this model, I also attempted to switch out the transcendentals and their corresponding verbs with their opposites.
Truth :: Falseness
Goodness :: Evil
Beauty :: Corruption
Faith :: Distrust
Hope :: Despair
Love :: Hate
Falseness - Distrust
Evil - Despair
Corruption - Hate
There are a few more dimensions to this model that I can't do with text, so if I have any luck at resurrecting my skills of an artist, I'll finish my explanation with that.

It's generally agreed that God has no actual gender, and the Bible occasionally uses female and mothering metaphor to describe [his] actions. The feminists I've heard speak on the matter find Jesus appealing because of the way in which he treated women.
If anything, I'd say the biggest problem in this matter is Paul in 1 Corinthians, where he simultaneously wrote the definitive prose on love, and then managed to stick his foot in his mouth and tell women not to speak in church.
Unfortunately, I don't know any real statistics. I'd like to know too. :(
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