*we put the "mmm" in communism


This is the personal blog of Tim. Here, Tim writes on anything he has enough inspiration to finish a post on. That usually ends up being matters of science, pop culture, technology, religion, and philosophy.

This blog is around nine years old, which is over a third of Tim's current age. Back in 2003, it was called "Of Tim: Tim's life - or lack thereof", and it was as bad as you might expect the blog of a freshman in high school to be. Tim hopes that his writing is a little better, these days.

Tim welcomes any input that you, the dear reader, might have. Comments are very much appreciated, especially if you have a dissenting opinion. If you'd like to learn more about Tim, you might want to see his facebook or google+.

Also: Tim is a very avid consumer of various sorts of music. You may be interested in his playlists!

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Watching the political tides has been intensely painful, these past weeks, not just because I'm a supporter of Obama, but because I simply cannot fathom what brings my former brethren to rally under such a wicked woman as Palin. Alone, McCain was cute - he was the best the republicans had to offer, and yet he was still strictly inferior to Obama in every regard. Here we are, with a man of unfathomable proportions, that for once inspires the people to be more and do more with the record to prove it, and he is being forsaken for a woman of blatant hypocrisy and corruption, the very traits that have pushed so many away from politics in these past few decades. Her nomination, some have said, restarted the culture wars, and will lead to an increasingly bitter and divided America if she is allowed to take such a high profile place.

As one writer from the Guardian put it:

If Sarah Palin defies the conventional wisdom that says elections are determined by the top of the ticket, and somehow wins this for McCain, what will be the reaction? Yes, blue-state America will go into mourning once again, feeling estranged in its own country. A generation of young Americans - who back Obama in big numbers - will turn cynical, concluding that politics doesn't work after all. And, most depressing, many African-Americans will decide that if even Barack Obama - with all his conspicuous gifts - could not win, then no black man can ever be elected president.

Palin represents to me all that is ill about neoconservatism, that if you want a WASP America, if you want an America that caters to the privileged, an America that fears change and scorns its responsibility to the rest of the world, if you want an America that has no room for dissent, you must vote for her. Oh, and John McCain, too, though he's just an accessory, at this point.

I would pray that America doesn't go down this path, but I don't believe God's listening.


ABC interviews Palin.
more, and some really juicy more.
posted by MC Froehlich at
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The problem, my friend, is the two-party system, which encourages political extremism on both sides. The standard strategy used by both parties is to be extreme enough to "fire up the base," then tack just close enough to the center that you convince 50.01% of the country to go along. Thus a person like me, who holds moderate political views, is left weighing one candidate's abhorrent political position on one issue against the other candidate's abhorrent political position on a different issue, and to decide on which issues I will make the necessary compromise.

Yes, Mrs. Palin is a hardcore conservative, but Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden are hardcore liberals (though I find much to like about Mr. Obama personally). Mr. McCain, alone among the four, has a history of standing up to his own party to support a position of common sense, though this has become less true recently as he has done what he needs to do to get elected within the aforementioned system.

It makes me sad that you and many others will interpret a vote for McCain as a vote for hardcore conservatism. The fact is that the system is rigged to prevent the kind of candidate I would actually want to vote for.
Blogger Karen Holly said...
...which (@ other comment) in the end, is just an excuse to vote for hardcore conservatism, no? Because there are moderates who serve to, well, moderate both down to mere outlines of their ideals, the country winds up with only the most basic of changes. So while not everyone would be converted to Christianity and be forced to stand for the pledge, neither would the country become socialist. So you have to vote for what might actually occur; ie banning gay marriage or not, drilling in a wildlife refuge or not, making healthcare access affordable for the middle and lower classes or not, aiming tax cuts at the middle class instead of the upper class and corporations or not.

Since in this election, neither candidate is following his party's perceived politics, you can't vote Republican with some vague excuse of fiscal conservatism, when if you take three seconds to listen to the issues and do the math yourself, you realize that that isn't the case at all. McCain doesn't equal fiscal conservatism and Palin does equal hardcore social conservatism, so lying to yourself and just admit it already.
Blogger Karen Holly said...
STOP lying to yourself, I meant. Rather important verb there...
Blogger MC Froehlich said...
While it's true that we live in a two-party system, it's foolish to think that it's as simple as black and white, or red and blue. The polarization you (first commenter) speak of is what happens when one doesn't see the gray areas that are strewn across every issue in contention. Comprises CAN be made, but they require the opposing sides to recognize the validity of disagreement. The greatest failure of the American political system is not that we don't have defined niches for every portion of the populace to vote for, but that we're too polarized to come to an understanding on even the most basic issues.

True dialogue isn't happening, and if we want our nation to succeed, we need to start listening to one another. Neither party has it all correct, and it's only with careful compromise that we can find the right course.

If you truly believe that McCain is capable of such, then ask yourself why he chose Palin as his running mate. Palin prides herself on her extreme stances and unwillingness to compromise. Obama, from what I can see, not only has the desire to resolve conflict, but the capability.

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