This week has been great. I'm finally getting to know some people at my skool. It always starts out with everybody you know being just acquaintences, but I'm getting past that point, and I'm really happy about it. Making new friends is truly one of the more enjoyable things in life.
Sam's gone for the weekend, which makes me pretty annoyed, for my own reasons. It's nice having a friend at church and crap that's in touch with reality. Hopefully I won't end up being too bored this weekend.
UPDATE: I'm really bored. This weekend aint looking so good. I've got a 10-hour research project to do this weekend, 2 lawns to mow, and the regular band of homework. :(
UPDATE: Really, really bored. Was reading a friends blog, and wow, I never realized what goes on in his life. To be in his position....I don't wanna think about it.

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