-Woke up.
-Accidentally fell asleep after getting ready and missed bus. Luckily dad stayed home sick, so we had the car.
-Went to school.
-FINALLY finished the DDP project after school.
-Walked to Commons, went to Dollar Store, bought things (food).
-Walked to Ben's house, let his dog outside for a minute.
-Walked to Zach's house, stared at rifle, discovered the physics of a swirly bottle thingy.
-Walked to my house, stared at guns, played Foosball (all this for a total of 10 minutes).
-Dealt with Dad's crankiness Zach and Ben had to leave really early.
-Went to mow an overly obsessive and really moronic lady's lawn.
-Came home, ate stuff.
-Posted on blog.
Stuff to note:
-Overclocked my video card by about 10%. Noticable difference, still haven't completely tested reliability.
Core Clock IS: 290 Mhz Memory Clock IS: 599 Mhz
Core Clock WAS: 270 Mhz Memory Clock WAS: 540 Mhz
Processor temperature has definately risen, I was averaging about 33 C before, I'm now up to 42 C, though that's partially due to the weather. I'll do some vacuuming, prolly fix then fans, that should help a lot. Yay.

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