Today, though, I drove up to Rochester with Daniel's parents and hung out with him for his freshman recital, and got to see things at Eastman. It was great to see Daniel, but it was cooler to see his friends and such, and also really nice to see a college campus. Eastman is kind of odd in that it's in the middle of Rochester, which is about as ghetto as cities come. There are totally clean and modern sections of the city which make the city look really prosperous, but you can literally walk a block away and you're in a red-light district. As Daniel, as well as other friends of mine have told me, you're often instructed not to wander more than a block away from the local college campuses, as the chances of being mugged are extremely high.
Seeing the campus, though, was kind of a surprise. I had NO idea dorms were so small - and Daniel's was larger than most. The actual facilities were really nice and such, and I saw the motivation behind going to a school that has a nice design and architecture. Which kind of put me in the whole college-centric mood. Honestly, all I want right now is to get to a decent tech school and OUT of high school. I wait semi-patiently.

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