I've been sleeping in four-hour shifts for almost a week, and my body hates me for it. It's the direct result of lacking a job, and it certainly gets old to explain the status quo to inquiring parties. It's a little fun to pass it off as though I'm kicking back and biding my time before college waddles up like an obese woman, and takes more than its share of seats in my schedule. Really, I relish the chance to relax, because this summer hasn't had a lot of that.
It's partly due to my picky tendencies in regards to acceptable relaxation. That is to say, few activities actually relax me, though I might exude the aura of carelessness and personal freedom. While a series of flashing lights such as WoW might seem to be the pinnacle of ways to spend my time, it lacks that which I do truly enjoy: consistency. Summer is a terrible time for consistency, which makes this business all the more complex, which is where a job might arrive to rescue my limp form from deterioration.
In short, I really need a job. I hope these next few encounters develop well.

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