[x] They call me: Tim
[x] Also: Tiny-typo-TJ-the totem pole-robotic-turtle-built for-pimpin'-speed-in Kuwait City- Say THAT 3x fast.
[x] Sex: Male
[x] My first breath of air: 3/31/89
[x] Age: 14
[x] Occupation: Gamer?
[x] Best friends: Daniel, Sam, all my church homies
[x] Most memorable memory: Watching my brother sprint down the street, and beat the living crap out of all my friends
[x] Worst: Worst that I will ever mention [:-D] ...in the car with my friends parents, and 4 of my friends, I had my music up REALLY loud, and I couldn't hear anything. Including my humming. "Humming". Yes. I accidentally broke into song. Accidentally.
[x] First word uttered: Moth. Yes, moth.
[x] First bestfriend ever: Tim Ireland.
_______FAST FORWARD_______
[x] College planning to go to: Umm.....MIT? [ROFL TO GWEN!!!]
[x] Future resident of: Deep South.
[x] Wedding: Umm...short and sweet?
[x] Children: Four, hopefully, though 2 or 3 works.
[x] Looking forward to: Getting a girlfriend?
[x] NOT looking forward to: Not getting a girlfriend?
[x] Feeling: Pleasant.
[x] Listening: E Nomine: Vater Unser
[x] Talking to: Colette, Sho, Alyssa
[x] Doing: Eating yogurt
[x] Thinking of: Whoa there. Dangerous territory.
[x] Craving: Pizza
[x] Missing: Food. All I've had today is a pop tart.
[x] Hating: Me
[x] Song: Halelujah, by Newsboys.
[x] Radio station: 96.3, yes, the Christian-virgin station.
[x] TV show: Whose line, TRIGUN!!!!!
[x] Channel: 53
[x] Site: halo.bungie.com
[x] Movies: Gladiator, Matrix,
[x] Store: EB, Best Buy
[x] Mall: Pyramid. It WAS crappy, bt it's getting better.
[x] Hang out spot: .....K building?
[x] Actor: Russel Crowe, Tom Hanks
[x] Actress: Meg Ryan
[x] Character: Vash teh Stampede
[x] Book: LotR, Coldfire Trilogy
[x] Love is: whooo!
[x] First love: Not love, but crush.
[x] Love or lust: Love. Definately.
[x] best love song: Uh, love songs suck.
[x] Is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person @ the same time?: No
[x] When love hurts, you: Well, that's too bad, get over it.
[x] True or false- all you need is love: False.
[x] Is there such thing as love @ first sight: No
[x] Turn ons: Long, dark hair, thin, not really worried about looks, umm, calm, but not strictly so
[x] Turn offs: Taller than me, short hair, complaining
[x] Does your parents opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: Nope.
[x] What kinda hair style?: Long, let down, or put up, don't matter.
[x] The sweetest thing a person can do for you: Notice me.
________PICKY PICKY_______
[x] Short or long hair: For the third time, Long
[x] Innie or outie: Innie
[x] Sunshine or rain: Both
[x] Moon or sun: Moon
[x] Basketball or football: Rugby rox. But I guess I have to choose football.
[x] Starbucks or jamba juice: Starbux.
[x] Written letters or e-mails: Written letters are nice, by emails are more convenient.
[x] Playstation or Nintendo: Nintendo, but it's been failing me with the crappy cube.
[x] Disney or nickelodeon: Both absolutely suck.
[x] Car or motorcycle: Motorcycle, but I'll prolly be forced to drive a car.
[x] House party or club: House party.
[x] Sing or dance: Sing.
[x] Freak or slow dance: I've never danced... :|
[x] Yahoo messenger or AIM: I would prefer Yahoo!, but all my friends use AIM.
[x] Google or Ask Jeeves: Google.
[x] Can you swim: Hardly.
[x] Most embarrassing moment: Ugh. Not telling.
[x] Stuff under your bed: Depends. In one bed it's just another bed. Nothing will fit under. My other one just has shoes.
[x] Greatest accomplishment: Lifting 400 lbs on the leg press.
[x] What sort of roof is over your head: I live in the basement. So I never see my roof.
[x] Tomatoes: They're tolerable.
[x] Internet connection: Cable, networked [by me] to 3 computers.
[x] How many phones?: [goes to count] 6 hooked, 10 that aren't.
[x] How many residents?: Four. Parents, me, person renting from our church.
[x] Number of DVD[s]: Personally, 3. My dad has, maybe, 75, wcombined with my bro's collections, over 350.
[x] Last dentist visit: Thursday before last.
[x] Last phone call: Daniel.
[x] Last IM: Sho.

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