Monday was pretty screwed up, the school portion was pretty laborous / torturous. I got home, solved things, a lot better then. Went to Scouts, and we named our patrol the "Ninja(s)". None of the names really appealed to me beyond all the others, so I suppose it's at no loss to me. Still had some fun, went home, watched the Last Samurai (until 1:25). So I didn't get much sleep. But that's ok, I only need to live without it till Thursday. Tomorrow is gonna be crazy. So far I have three or four quizzes lined up, I gotta read all of the Silmarillion by the end of the week, gonna see Gwen's play on Wednesday (yes, my birthday) and then there's always more homework to throw in. Top it all off with a full day with Daniel after school (going to dinner then to his teen bible study) and I have a full week. Should present some interesting results, at least.
Sarah was back for 2 days, she leaves at 5:30 today. She comes back again next Tuesday, finally moves out on Thursday.
Period's over, I just spent it doing English homework. Oh well. Better than doing it last night, or not at all, I suppose. *rings*

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