Besides finishing Fullmetal, I jumped into the job of helping create the Troop 2 Scouts website. Benjamin's doing the PHP, Daniel's doing the CSS, I'm doing the content, and the three of us together decide what's happening graphically. It's a fun project - I've learned a lot about the Unix file system, SSH, and vi.
The true point of this was to express my utter...helplessness to the feeling I have after finishing Fullmetal. I just, argh, when something that good ends, I just wanna scream, and there's nothing to replace that empty feeling I have. It's no surpise, really, as I filled my last week's nights with watching the episodes (heck, it only took me 5 days to watch 51 episodes, so less than that). I should stop ranting at this point, I suppose.
Monday was the first time I've been back to Boy Scouts for a good many months, they were rather happy to see me, and my timing seems rather good, considering the rather...inparticipative older scouts (coughBRANDONcoughPETERcough). I'm sort of obligated to go on the next two camp outs, I guess. I wish I hadn't said yes for the most recent one, as the timing is inconvenient, but backing out would be rather, shall we say, detrimental to the amount of trust placed in my motivation to show up.
I think I may go re-watch a few episodes now, I'm not sure, but we'll see.

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