Look at it. That's the parent article. I challenge you to look at the articles for each season. All of them are complete articles, detailed and organized. Even worse, there's information about the upcoming PowerMorphiCon (for those that don't know, Cons are conventions for specific things). Never have I been so fatally put off by what people do in their spare time. Society has reached a new low. Rape of Nanjing? Tianenmen Square? (the choosing of two Chinese incidents is pretty much the result of a loss for good catastrophes) They haven't got a THING on this, my friends.
Even still, I found it interesting that half of the show was adapted from the Japanese show Super Sentai (literally, super group or super task force, specifically used for air squadrons in WWII). It explained why it seemed so weird. Most hilariously, though, was the formula that Wikipedia gives for each episode. Never have I seen such a thing given for a TV show, making it that much funnier. For those too lazy to go check, I shall leave it here for you to awe upon.
- Rangers are seen in everyday life with a dispute to resolve.
- Rangers are attacked by an evil foe's minions/footsoldiers.
- Rangers fight minions/footsoldiers.
- Rangers morph.
- Rangers defeat minions/footsoldiers.
- Optional: Evil enemy revives minion and makes minion grow to gigantic proportions, followed by Rangers summoning giant machines known as Zords and/or their combined form, the Megazord.
- Optional: Rangers find that their current powers are insufficient to defeat monster and discover a new power, such as a Battlizer armor for the Red Ranger, a sixth Ranger, or a new Megazord.
- Optional: Rangers fight and defeat said giant minion.
- Rangers are shown back in everyday life, having learned a life lesson which solves the earlier dispute.

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