I hate writing reflections. I do them occasionally here, except they're on things that matter. I honestly could not care less about which piece of writing I think is best, and I hate having to go through the process of explaining that I learned absolutely nothing this year. It's a complicated explanation, one that requires a complex series of sub-explanations to ensure that I'm not insulting the teacher, but still getting the point across that I've done less in the past two years than I did my in my freshman year, which was a freaking semester course.
The results are almost in: I'm guaranteed at least one F this quarter (in English - I never handed in that paper I was always talking about). I don't even want to care, I just want to move on. I just hope they don't pull me out of AP Lang (I got in, btw) because of this. The test for that was way fun.
Unrelated: I've been running a lot recently, generally about 2 or 3 miles a night. It's a lot of fun running with music, but it's starting to hurt because my shoes are so bad (they're like two years old, at least). I've got the money for new clothes and whatnot (and man do I need them), I just have to get to the store. Salvation Army FTW!

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