Now, I'm not a frothing environmentalist by most standards. I like my hybrids and I think the earth is getting warmer, but whether or not it's our fault is up for grabs, in my opinion. But for once, I was actually deeply saddened that a common product might not be around in 10 years. It's not even my fault, and there's nothing I can do about it. I don't even like bananas, but now I want to like bananas, because of the thought that they might die out soon.
Isn't that funny? It's so human to miss things we don't like just because they aren't there anymore. I'm not even a sentimental person, but by golly, bananas can get me in the gut just as much as the next guy. So, please, next time you fill your gas tank, think of the children. Think of the bananas.

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