I hadn't really noticed before, but when the gang came over (we dress in blue shirts and white khakis! we're white! we make potato guns!), Nolan played some Stepmania. For those of you that do not know, Stepmania is akin to Guitar Hero or DDR, but on a keyboard, on a computer (any OS). I know all of you know what those are, so basically it's just hitting arrows in time to music. The songs on SM are infinitely harder (and cooler) than anything you'll find in DDR or Guitar Hero. To get an idea of how fast we're talking, Nolan played songs at around 150-300 BPM (beats per minute). That's not keystrokes, that's beats. The notes come in time with the beats, so you'll end up with anything between 1-20 keystrokes per second. I haven't gotten near that good yet, so I hadn't noticed that there was a cap to how many keys I could be pressing at any given second. When the game wasn't keeping up with Nolan's playing, we switched the keyboard out for a crappy corded one, and voila, things return to normal. While I was aware that wireless peripherals were indeed inferior in speed and precision, I had no idea that it was to such an extent.
I went to the farmer's market for the first time on Saturday, and I think it's enough to say that it wasn't bad. If I had money, I'd have bought a loaf of cinnamon bread or something, but no, I had no such thing. Mowing has officially started, so, that shouldn't be such a problem. Now I just need a job - I'm hoping Christopher will have room for two people. One can hope, right?

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