You've probably never seen a planogram - it's just a diagram for where crap goes in the store, and they get updated based on the whim of some executive with ADD. I have never felt more useless in my life when I spent thirty minutes moving shredder lubricant from one side of the store to the other. It's a glorified version of running in circles.
It also feels (morally) wrong to encourage people to spend money on stuff they don't need. It feels brainwashing to go through powerpoint after powerpoint of training exercises so that I can complete quizlets to show I understand what Office Depot is about. Nothing disgusts me more than corporate blather. Sure, they have a purpose; they want their employees to feel alright about who they're working for, they want to make sure everyone's on the same page.
Besides, I just don't work Sundays. I'm not sure where along the line I figured I would be okay with sacrificing that.

Working there sounds hellish, although having a job is intrinsically better than the alternative -- at least for those of us who require monies. Are you planning to get a job somewhere else?
it wasn't hellish, primarily because i had a great manager. he's probably someone i'll keep in contact with for many years to come. if i can, i need another job - monay monay monay. finding a place that's flexible enough is a tough problem, though.
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