» "Yeah, buddy, what's up?"
"This really isn't working out."
» "How's that?"
"I'm going bat-shit; I'm double scheduled two nights this week. I miss a day at the restaurant, my ass is totally fired. I make more on a slow night there than I do during a full day here."
» "So you're quitting?"
"What other choice do I have? I fucked up planning ahead, and here I am. I figured if I could make it through this week I'd be fine, but this was the breaking point. And the planograms. Ugh, the planograms. I'm sorry, man."
» "Nah, don't worry about it. I saw it coming anyways."
» "I figured it'd be some time this week. You're really good at this, you did a great job, but I totally understand."
"Thanks. It sucks balls, but what the hell else am I gonna do? I mean, shit, I promised myself I wouldn't get caught working Sundays, yet here I am. I missed a friend's funeral yesterday for work, I'm at my wit's end."
» "So what're you gonna do?"
"Find a job that's okay with me working two days in the week? I don't know where the hell I could do that, but I'm sure there's something."
» "Not likely."
"I can't take doing the corporate crap. I'm serious about the planograms. You know how long I spent moving shredder lubricant yesterday? Damn, talk about a lifeless task. How do you put up with it?"
» "Working at Borders wasn't so bad, it was a little more free-form, but it's all the same in the end. You put shit on a shelf, sometimes it's more specific than others. Management isn't so bad, there's some thought to it, but it's a job like any other."
"I guess so, but I don't think I could handle that, either. The bureaucracy of quotas..."
» "You'll never get away from that, don't even try. It's just the way any business works."
"Maybe retail's not for me, then."
» "The quotas are always there, even if they aren't called that. You go to a law firm, you better be damn sure you have enough clients, win enough cases, it's the same anywhere you go."
"I'll find something."
» "Hah. Don't be a stranger, man. Stop by. I'm not mailing your paycheck, either, you gotta come pick that shit up."
"Yeah, alright."
» "My first trainee quits after three weeks. Fucker."

I think working at Borders would be fun, though. It's not paper-shredder lubricant, it's *books*. With information, and ideas, and sometimes pictures!
Sorry. Now that I discovered your blog again, I'm posting lots of comments.
maybe i'll build it up to what it once was.
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