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Tired, my eye hurts, I'm just plain uncormfortable, but that's small stuff. Nothing really happened today, though I broke out the Christmas music, and I've begun the process of converting it all to MP3's onto my computer. It will take a long time, but Christmas music ROX. I haven't begun my homework yet, but that's in the process. Jonathan's back again till Friday-ish, so that's cool. He's probaby collecting stuff that arrived in the mail. He
said it was a legal break, but somehow I doubt it. Nothing serious, though.
I'm crapping up everything in skool, I hope I don't fail this marking period. Ugh, such crappiness on my part. I missed a quiz-guade assignment, so at best I can get, oh, 70%. That SUCKS. A LOT. And it was completely wasted too. Suckiness. This was a somewhat crappy day. Took a nap, earlier, so I'm a little dazed.
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