Wednesday was the same old deal, nothing of great importance, though it does mark that it's less than one week till RotK! ^^ I can't wait. I downloaded a lot of Halo movies that I lost a while back in my format. It's been very amusing to watch them. ::sigh:: If only I had the skill to mod an xbox. Oh well! Maybe if I ever decided to bring up the money for the chip, I could. But for now, I just remain a Halo phreek.
Today is Thursday, which is thoroughly dissapointing, becase I could have sworn yesterday was Thursday. Which means today would have been Friday....except its not. So I have to endure today and tomorrow of skool. That will be.......difficult.
Random note: I despise one button mouses. Every mac in this skool has a one button mouse, and it's awful. Death to them all! These mouses are optical, but, that's not very special anymore.

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