-2 snowballs [one down the shirt]
-Severe dissapointment
-Colette [:P]
-4 hours of sleep
-Bio test
-Semi-crappy treatment
-Me being awful at lying
= Crappiest day at skool known to man.
I'm still happy though. But wow. this truly was the crappiest day of skool so far. Nothing interesting happened. It's Thursday, though, which is cool. yAy for crappy days. Not really. I'm very hungry right now, but I'm not tired. At all. Which rocks. It feels like Friday. But it's NOT. Only one more day till the weekend.
I spent 4 hours last night talking to Ben about all manner of Theology, mostly about Jesus. I dunno what impact it had on him, but I kinda know exactly what I believe now. I did before, but I wasn't sure how to transmit that. It was cool, though.
I ripped three Christmas CDs onto my computer, so I've been enjoying them thoroughly. I'll rip one or two more today to give me a wide selection. Christmas music rox.
I need food.

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