Honors English 9 Semester Block: Q3: A- Q4: B+ Portfolio: A Final Grade: A-
Honors GLobal History 1 Semester Block: Q1: A Q2: A- Exam: B+ Final Grade: A-
Honors Math 9: Q1: B+ Q2: B- Q3: A- Q4: A- Exam: C+ [no idea what happened there, I thought it was easy] Final Grade: B
Honors Ecological Biology: Q1: A+ Q2: B+ Q3: A- Q4: A- Exam (Regents): A+ (97, in fact) Final Grade: A-
Honors German 2: Q1: B Q2: B- Q3: B- Q4: B- Exam: B- Final Grade: B-
DDP: Q1: A Q2: A Q3: B+ Q4: A Exam: B- Final Grade: A-
PE: A/A-/A/A/A-/A [The only time I ever changed was for swimming and for the wieght rooms. Woot.]
Final Grade Average: 3.438
It's not as good as I was hoping, but that's ok. Better luck next year, or something like that.

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