For those of you who don't know, altitude sickness happens when you go above 8000 ft. It has somehting to do with the lack of oxygen, and air pressure. I threw up last night, and I'm pretty nauseated right now. Sarah's parents are nice, but they're pretty much what I expected. We go skiing tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday, which might be fun, but I just don't want to get sunburned. Yes, you can get sunburned. You're actually more likely to get sunburn than in Hawaii furing the summer.
Let me start a little point counter here, for how the trip is going.
I met Tim Hume yesterday, and he's kinda cool, though I expected him to be like 30-ish. He's like 40-something. IF I get to see him later in the week and talk to him and stuff, that would be a +1.
I got to see Claire, my dead cousin Pete's wife. She's pretty cool, in a spunky kind of way. She reminds me of Allison Hogue, for those of you who know her. If I get to see her more often, that would be a +1.
The Rockys are beautiful. You can see for like up to 250 miles, depending on where the mountain line is. +1.
Altitude sickness sucks. I've had it for like 24 hours now, and it's really making things miserable. -2.
I was never able to get those CDs. I completely forgot when we went to best buy, so I all; I had to bring that I had room for was JoC and RotK. I also wasn't able to get a charger for the GBA, which my mom is yet again trying to revive. I have batteries, but they'll run out. -1.
I got forced to spend 3 hours with Sarah going around town. -1.
I had to give up spending the night at Jesse's house on Sunday night. -1.
The plane ride(s) were pretty bad. We woke up at 6:00 to drive for 1.5 hours to Rochester, to ride a plan for an hour, to wait for 3 hours in Newark, to ride a 4 hour plane to Denver, to drive 3 hours to here. Half the time we were carrying luggage or stuff on our laps. *mutter* -1.
Overall stuff affecting my mood about the trip:
I'm missing my incoming Airsoft shipment. -1.
I'm missing two days of school for this trip. -1.
None of my friends are going anywhere. -1.
Overall score: -6. Not very cool.

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