*we put the "mmm" in communism


This is the personal blog of Tim. Here, Tim writes on anything he has enough inspiration to finish a post on. That usually ends up being matters of science, pop culture, technology, religion, and philosophy.

This blog is around nine years old, which is over a third of Tim's current age. Back in 2003, it was called "Of Tim: Tim's life - or lack thereof", and it was as bad as you might expect the blog of a freshman in high school to be. Tim hopes that his writing is a little better, these days.

Tim welcomes any input that you, the dear reader, might have. Comments are very much appreciated, especially if you have a dissenting opinion. If you'd like to learn more about Tim, you might want to see his facebook or google+.

Also: Tim is a very avid consumer of various sorts of music. You may be interested in his playlists!

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So, I lied
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Most of the blog improvements are done (except for the header, and for a better curly doodle at the end of the borders), as you can see. I've been distracted by Lost and the Sopranos, which is why it hasn't been finished. I was really hoping to be done before I left tomorrow.

Speaking of which, tomorrow I'm off to my uncle's second wedding. It's an all-day drive to Michigan on Friday, the wedding is on Saturday, and drive back on Sunday. I'm not sure how exciting this will be, but, seeing Josh, John, and Uncle Jim will be cool either way. Plus, a day out of school.

And for hopefully my last mention of the progression of school, I've had like the easiest week of school, ever. Tuesday I had a dentist appointment (-2 hours of school), today I had an eye appointment (entire day off, when they dilate my eyes, I can't read at all, everything is doubled, it's cool), and tomorrow, you get the idea. I DID finally get out of Csaki's class. Mr Heffner was absolutely awesome about it - he managed to pull the strings and I spent all of last Friday running around the school getting signatures. Mr Rosenburg is much better, and I have a lot more friends in my classes. School's gotten better.

Ideally, I'll have all the work on here done Monday or Tuesday, with that nice big post I was talking about. Don't hold your breath.
posted by MC Froehlich at

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