- Critical Reading: 62
- 89% higher than all juniors
- SAT range of 560-710
- Math: 59
- 78% higher than all juniors
- SAT range of 520-690
- Writing Skills: 60
- 82% higher than all juniors
- SAT range of 480 to 670
- Overall: 86%
The Math portion I am disadvantaged as I'm not at the level needed to take the SAT (probably ended up in 4 or 5 questions wrong total), and I screwed up the Writing Skills by getting that last 7 or the last 9 questions wrong, due to being really rushed. I should have omitted them, but I think I did well anyways.
And courtesy of Daniel, I shall direct you to one of the funnier sites I've visited in my time, but a creepily accurate charge against Christendom in America. Meet Landover Baptist Church.
Finally, apparantly I've been tagged.
- I've been listening to the techno track from the next-gen party for many hours. In fact, it's looped over 550 times now. So good.
- I've got five pairs of old glasses sitting in the droor (edit: i've been informed this is actually "drawer"?) next to me. That's over $1500 of glass and metal, not including the cost of visits to the opthomologist.
- I have no yearbooks. None. Nada.
- I used to know disgustingly large amounts of geography. I would, for fun, go through this computer encyclopedia where you could click on a country on the map, and it would give you lots of information, play the national anthem, and other things. In fact, I placed second in a geography bee in third grade.
- I owned, or have owned, approximately $2,409.49 in video games. That's around 53 games. That's not all of them, either.
And now, to start this CS project.

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