So, things of importance! Martial arts. I believe I've decided on Judo and Taekwondo, which will result in 6 hours of training a week (2 on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday), which I look forward to starting in February. I hadn't really considered it before, but I got thinking about it yesterday, and it seems to be quite a good idea. I may take Kendo (true swordmanship, not to ever be conufsed with the pansy art of fencing) over the summer, to add to the mix. This hasn't been set in stone, but I'm really liking this idea, it'll give me something to do, you know, that's productive and healthy. I've had way too much free time, and I need to crack down on that to keep focus. I'm hoping to be pretty busy next semester, with Ski Club going on at the same time.
[edit: i was too late, it appears. time to check with Ian! if that doesn't work out, i'll figure something up.]
I could pay for things...
like haircuts.
Hey, speaking of haircuts, I just happened to get one of those today. I'm actually displeased with it. The woman was practically scraping my head raw, and cut it far shorter than I told her to. The result? Really short hair. It'll grow to the desired length in like a week or two, but for now, it is not so great. It doesn't look bad, necessarilly, just not good. Bad enough for Jen to bark at it, anyways. And yes, the sticky is back.

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