*we put the "mmm" in communism


This is the personal blog of Tim. Here, Tim writes on anything he has enough inspiration to finish a post on. That usually ends up being matters of science, pop culture, technology, religion, and philosophy.

This blog is around nine years old, which is over a third of Tim's current age. Back in 2003, it was called "Of Tim: Tim's life - or lack thereof", and it was as bad as you might expect the blog of a freshman in high school to be. Tim hopes that his writing is a little better, these days.

Tim welcomes any input that you, the dear reader, might have. Comments are very much appreciated, especially if you have a dissenting opinion. If you'd like to learn more about Tim, you might want to see his facebook or google+.

Also: Tim is a very avid consumer of various sorts of music. You may be interested in his playlists!

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A lovely Friday evening is in order for young Tim, sitting in his swivel chair, playing FFVII and posting on his blog. Ahem. I finally beat FFIX last night...a good game indeed, better than VIII but doesn't hold a candle to VII. Anyways, that was a fun game, I probably won't touch it again, but that's ok. At the moment I'm just fiddling around in FFVII...not much, really. I had stuff I was going to talk about but I no longer feel like it.
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So I went to work, for once, and it's really cool, pulling boiling hot crap out of autoclavers and the like. There's radioactive and toxic stuff EVERYWHERE, it's crazy. And that's about it. I overslept this morning (I just woke up) so I'm home, which really annoys me, as I expected my mom and/or dad to wake me up...i shouldn't really expect much for going to sleep at 4 so regularly, but even so..heh. I've been going through this Final Fantasy stage...I got to the third disc of FFVIII then I decided to go try and finish FFIX. Then I decided to go play Warcraft III. At the same time. It works out well, I guess. I had also been play FFVII a bit too...I realized how brilliant that game is compared to any TBC (turn-based-combat) to date. Oh well, I'm happy right now, probably because I just had a bowl of Cap'n Crunch and a shower...mmm...
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Oy. So camp was an experience, which I will explain in full detail in just a moment. Overall good, some bad stuff, it's all good in the end. So I got accepted into the Cornell Labs, which has me psyched. I was supposed to start LAST TUESDAY but because of camp, I couldn't go. The excessive stress involving the LAN party was also caused by camp, as was also pulled me away from home (my computer) for a long time too.

Camp was ok - not great. The tents were really patchy, a LOT of bugs (I counted at least 2 dozen mosquito bites, I usually removed half a dozen daddy-longlegs and 3 or 4 larger-than-normal spiders every night). The food was ok, I only went hungry a few times. I didn't get a tan, despite being outside the majority of the time. It rained three out of 7 days, all cloudy for at least one other. Constantly having to worry about the infamous bear and pepperoni-stealing raccoon got annoying too. But the merit badges were okay, though I didn't get to take the ones I wanted. I failed the standard 4-lap swimming test the first day, so I couldn't get to take small boat sailing or motorboating. In my defense, the lake was < 65 degrees and very wavy. I can do that in a swimming pool easy, but the lake is way harder. Anyways....I got 4 and 1/2 badges, that pleases me.

I started playing FFVIII - it's better than I had heard. Not awesome or as good as VII, but still worth playing. THat's about it....tomorrow will be a busy day.
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Daniel's LAN party was great, 16 people mostly, lots of food, and everything worked out. Yay. I got my report card!

Honors English 9 Semester Block: Q3: A- Q4: B+ Portfolio: A Final Grade: A-
Honors GLobal History 1 Semester Block: Q1: A Q2: A- Exam: B+ Final Grade: A-
Honors Math 9: Q1: B+ Q2: B- Q3: A- Q4: A- Exam: C+ [no idea what happened there, I thought it was easy] Final Grade: B
Honors Ecological Biology: Q1: A+ Q2: B+ Q3: A- Q4: A- Exam (Regents): A+ (97, in fact) Final Grade: A-
Honors German 2: Q1: B Q2: B- Q3: B- Q4: B- Exam: B- Final Grade: B-
DDP: Q1: A Q2: A Q3: B+ Q4: A Exam: B- Final Grade: A-
PE: A/A-/A/A/A-/A [The only time I ever changed was for swimming and for the wieght rooms. Woot.]

Final Grade Average: 3.438

It's not as good as I was hoping, but that's ok. Better luck next year, or something like that.
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Another poll.

[12:03:59] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[12:04:32] Lemonadeyeti: don't tell anyone?
[12:05:49] Steak220: poeple will still know you smell like dandelions
[12:06:02] Steak220: eventually the liars will realize that there's a dandelion smell when they lie
[12:06:06] Lemonadeyeti: wear a lot of cologne
[12:06:14] Lemonadeyeti: lock yourself in a basement
[12:08:58] Lemonadeyeti: become a monk and move into a monastary

[12:04:50] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[12:05:11] oXPresidentEvil: by drowning the smell with AXE!
[12:09:45] Steak220: hmmm
[12:09:48] oXPresidentEvil: hmmm
[12:09:51] Steak220: you'll need a lot of axe

[12:11:34] Steak220: random question...your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[12:12:02] RANDOM sn 339: hmm
[12:13:09] RANDOM sn 339: not wear deodorant so that the b.o. covers up the dandelion instead of being known as the person with a superpower im just known as the person who smells really bad
[12:13:27] Steak220: O.O
[12:13:39] Steak220: O.O
[12:13:40] Steak220: O.O

[23:20:40] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:20:50] danielreid9119: i already read your blog
[23:20:55] danielreid9119: i abstain
[23:21:18] Steak220: no! please!
[23:21:24] danielreid9119: fine
[23:21:41] danielreid9119: if you've got it, flaunt it
[23:21:58] danielreid9119: "I can tell when you're lying, say something..."
[23:22:02] danielreid9119: "blah blah blah"
[23:22:14] danielreid9119: "See? I smell like dandelions now which means you were lying!"
[23:22:30] danielreid9119: everyone would think you're a crackpot and just smell weird and you'd get away with it
[23:22:34] danielreid9119: :P

[23:20:47] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:21:13] TmblrGrl814: hmm...
[23:22:50] TmblrGrl814: stay away from liars
[23:23:29] TmblrGrl814: stay away from anyone
[23:23:34] Steak220: haha
[23:24:00] TmblrGrl814: sit in a field of dandelions all by ur lonesome self
[23:24:13] Steak220: hippy style?
[23:24:21] TmblrGrl814: of course!

[23:20:50] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:21:35] Goodi2shusbabi: i have no clue
[23:26:23] Steak220: need SOME kind of an answer
[23:26:28] Steak220: that looks awfully dull on my blog
[23:26:35] Goodi2shusbabi: baby powder, stiffle the smell
[23:26:38] Goodi2shusbabi: lol
[23:26:45] Steak220: that works.

[23:20:54] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:22:30] TheMysteriousMrZ: dandelions don't smell like much, though
[23:22:33] TheMysteriousMrZ: it wouldn't be hard

[23:21:02] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:21:22] wayetender: uh
[23:21:40] wayetender: give everyone allegra?
[23:21:57] wayetender: no wait
[23:22:04] wayetender: block up everyone's nose
[23:22:15] wayetender: The Great BloupNose man owes me a favor too!

[23:21:06] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:27:31] Toledo4232: use a crapload of good smelling things to cover it up

[23:21:09] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:21:23] nysnowdecker: huh?
[23:21:40] Steak220: it's a question. you need to supply a response.
[23:21:45] nysnowdecker: oh
[23:21:50] nysnowdecker: so not related to anything before
[23:21:57] nysnowdecker: to keep my secret identity
[23:22:02] nysnowdecker: when i smell like dandelions...
[23:22:41] nysnowdecker: make everyone else smell like dandelions too
[23:24:13] nysnowdecker: or is that not the answer ur looking for?
[23:24:22] Steak220: it's a random poll
[23:24:26] nysnowdecker: oh
[23:24:26] nysnowdecker: ok

[23:27:12] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:29:40] goenbat: i got this
[23:30:07] Steak220: you got this?
[23:30:40] goenbat: all i say is "excuse me i farted" whenever i lie, and they'll think that my super power is i fart whenever i lie, thus i will keep my secret identity
[23:33:08] goenbat: and they'll also think that i have the super power to have my farts smell like dandelions, but they'll never catch on
[23:33:23] Steak220: lmao
[23:36:22] goenbat: its a great idea, man, i should be a superhero, just because im so good at having people think im not a superhero
[23:36:25] goenbat: which im not
[23:36:37] goenbat: nope. definitely not a superhero
[23:36:42] goenbat: not me, thats for sure
[23:37:02] Steak220: nice to meet you, mr. Normal
[23:37:26] goenbat: little does he know that i...
[23:37:30] goenbat: aww crap
[23:37:36] Steak220: that you're normal?
[23:37:40] Steak220: it's ok ben.
[23:37:51] Steak220: i made a support group for people like us.
[23:38:33] goenbat: its not that
[23:38:54] goenbat: but i mean, if your superhero power was to smell like dandelions when you lie.. how would you... you know...
[23:39:30] goenbat: operate? i mean, how would you fight crime? what would you say? "Beware evil doers, i smell of dandelions!"
[23:39:57] goenbat: unless all the guys you faught were allergic or had some kinda dandephobia i mean... it just wouldnt work
[23:40:53] Steak220: ...
[23:41:55] goenbat: how would you do it?
[23:43:34] Steak220: me? i'd become the world's best super villain. I would create a completely latex costume with a huge dandelion as my helmet, and constantly lie. emitting an enourmous wave of dandelion-ness, i would hug every allergic person on earth.
[23:45:17] goenbat: ...

[23:34:24] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:35:13] MovietOsmelvie: hang out with people who don't lie and never wear deoderant so my nasty smell overcomes the dandelions smell
[23:35:42] Steak220: i see....anything else?
[23:38:27] MovietOsmelvie: perhaps i could turn into a supervillain?
[23:38:29] MovietOsmelvie: why?
[23:38:38] Steak220: it's a random poll
[23:38:41] Steak220: i put it in my blog
[23:38:42] MovietOsmelvie: ah
[23:38:44] MovietOsmelvie: hahaha

There we go.
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