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Another poll.
[12:03:59] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[12:04:32] Lemonadeyeti: don't tell anyone?
[12:05:49] Steak220: poeple will still know you smell like dandelions
[12:06:02] Steak220: eventually the liars will realize that there's a dandelion smell when they lie
[12:06:06] Lemonadeyeti: wear a lot of cologne
[12:06:14] Lemonadeyeti: lock yourself in a basement
[12:08:58] Lemonadeyeti: become a monk and move into a monastary
[12:04:50] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[12:05:11] oXPresidentEvil: by drowning the smell with AXE!
[12:09:45] Steak220: hmmm
[12:09:48] oXPresidentEvil: hmmm
[12:09:51] Steak220: you'll need a lot of axe
[12:11:34] Steak220: random question...your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[12:12:02] RANDOM sn 339: hmm
[12:13:09] RANDOM sn 339: not wear deodorant so that the b.o. covers up the dandelion instead of being known as the person with a superpower im just known as the person who smells really bad
[12:13:27] Steak220: O.O
[12:13:39] Steak220: O.O
[12:13:40] Steak220: O.O
[23:20:40] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:20:50] danielreid9119: i already read your blog
[23:20:55] danielreid9119: i abstain
[23:21:18] Steak220: no! please!
[23:21:24] danielreid9119: fine
[23:21:41] danielreid9119: if you've got it, flaunt it
[23:21:58] danielreid9119: "I can tell when you're lying, say something..."
[23:22:02] danielreid9119: "blah blah blah"
[23:22:14] danielreid9119: "See? I smell like dandelions now which means you were lying!"
[23:22:30] danielreid9119: everyone would think you're a crackpot and just smell weird and you'd get away with it
[23:22:34] danielreid9119: :P
[23:20:47] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:21:13] TmblrGrl814: hmm...
[23:22:50] TmblrGrl814: stay away from liars
[23:23:29] TmblrGrl814: stay away from anyone
[23:23:34] Steak220: haha
[23:24:00] TmblrGrl814: sit in a field of dandelions all by ur lonesome self
[23:24:13] Steak220: hippy style?
[23:24:21] TmblrGrl814: of course!
[23:20:50] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:21:35] Goodi2shusbabi: i have no clue
[23:26:23] Steak220: need SOME kind of an answer
[23:26:28] Steak220: that looks awfully dull on my blog
[23:26:35] Goodi2shusbabi: baby powder, stiffle the smell
[23:26:38] Goodi2shusbabi: lol
[23:26:45] Steak220: that works.
[23:20:54] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:22:30] TheMysteriousMrZ: dandelions don't smell like much, though
[23:22:33] TheMysteriousMrZ: it wouldn't be hard
[23:21:02] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:21:22] wayetender: uh
[23:21:40] wayetender: give everyone allegra?
[23:21:57] wayetender: no wait
[23:22:04] wayetender: block up everyone's nose
[23:22:15] wayetender: The Great BloupNose man owes me a favor too!
[23:21:06] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:27:31] Toledo4232: use a crapload of good smelling things to cover it up
[23:21:09] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:21:23] nysnowdecker: huh?
[23:21:40] Steak220: it's a question. you need to supply a response.
[23:21:45] nysnowdecker: oh
[23:21:50] nysnowdecker: so not related to anything before
[23:21:57] nysnowdecker: to keep my secret identity
[23:22:02] nysnowdecker: when i smell like dandelions...
[23:22:41] nysnowdecker: make everyone else smell like dandelions too
[23:24:13] nysnowdecker: or is that not the answer ur looking for?
[23:24:22] Steak220: it's a random poll
[23:24:26] nysnowdecker: oh
[23:24:26] nysnowdecker: ok
[23:27:12] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:29:40] goenbat: i got this
[23:30:07] Steak220: you got this?
[23:30:40] goenbat: all i say is "excuse me i farted" whenever i lie, and they'll think that my super power is i fart whenever i lie, thus i will keep my secret identity
[23:33:08] goenbat: and they'll also think that i have the super power to have my farts smell like dandelions, but they'll never catch on
[23:33:23] Steak220: lmao
[23:36:22] goenbat: its a great idea, man, i should be a superhero, just because im so good at having people think im not a superhero
[23:36:25] goenbat: which im not
[23:36:37] goenbat: nope. definitely not a superhero
[23:36:42] goenbat: not me, thats for sure
[23:37:02] Steak220: nice to meet you, mr. Normal
[23:37:26] goenbat: little does he know that i...
[23:37:30] goenbat: aww crap
[23:37:36] Steak220: that you're normal?
[23:37:40] Steak220: it's ok ben.
[23:37:51] Steak220: i made a support group for people like us.
[23:38:33] goenbat: its not that
[23:38:54] goenbat: but i mean, if your superhero power was to smell like dandelions when you lie.. how would you... you know...
[23:39:30] goenbat: operate? i mean, how would you fight crime? what would you say? "Beware evil doers, i smell of dandelions!"
[23:39:57] goenbat: unless all the guys you faught were allergic or had some kinda dandephobia i mean... it just wouldnt work
[23:40:53] Steak220: ...
[23:41:55] goenbat: how would you do it?
[23:43:34] Steak220: me? i'd become the world's best super villain. I would create a completely latex costume with a huge dandelion as my helmet, and constantly lie. emitting an enourmous wave of dandelion-ness, i would hug every allergic person on earth.
[23:45:17] goenbat: ...
[23:34:24] Steak220: your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. how will you maintain your secret identity?
[23:35:13] MovietOsmelvie: hang out with people who don't lie and never wear deoderant so my nasty smell overcomes the dandelions smell
[23:35:42] Steak220: i see....anything else?
[23:38:27] MovietOsmelvie: perhaps i could turn into a supervillain?
[23:38:29] MovietOsmelvie: why?
[23:38:38] Steak220: it's a random poll
[23:38:41] Steak220: i put it in my blog
[23:38:42] MovietOsmelvie: ah
[23:38:44] MovietOsmelvie: hahaha
There we go.