*we put the "mmm" in communism


This is the personal blog of Tim. Here, Tim writes on anything he has enough inspiration to finish a post on. That usually ends up being matters of science, pop culture, technology, religion, and philosophy.

This blog is around nine years old, which is over a third of Tim's current age. Back in 2003, it was called "Of Tim: Tim's life - or lack thereof", and it was as bad as you might expect the blog of a freshman in high school to be. Tim hopes that his writing is a little better, these days.

Tim welcomes any input that you, the dear reader, might have. Comments are very much appreciated, especially if you have a dissenting opinion. If you'd like to learn more about Tim, you might want to see his facebook or google+.

Also: Tim is a very avid consumer of various sorts of music. You may be interested in his playlists!

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I got a full 7 and 1/2 hours of sleep. I feel really, really good. I feel energized...prepared for school....HAH! It's true, except for the 'prepared' part. We had to memorize this script...I barely even have a good understanding of it. But that's okay, nobody else does either. Anyways...Peter's here in the Math Lab...once again terribly amusing. :-P

Blah, I have nothing to write about. Poo.
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Back to the school routine...only 12 days left! I wish I could just get them done all in a row, and be done with it all. Alas, such is not possible. Err...brb.

Had to switch computers. At the moment I'm watching Jing get owned in a flash football game. Terribly amusing. He just got ZAPPED!!!

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Yes, I stayed home from school today. Too much work and way too tired.

Some friends have created a Halo-related blog, for the purpose of coordinating Halo events and information in the Ithaca area. I'll post on there occasionally. It's still in the works. Give it a look.


The name is pending a change, but we're trying to figure something out.
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I'm pretty cozy right now, sitting in my chair, doing homework. Had a pretty average weekend, started some studying, nothing amazing and new. I'm looking forward to this weekend...Memorial Day will allow for an extra day of sleep and some fun at the picnic. I want this week to end right now. My general outlook on stuff is bleak and dull, I just wanna get some rest. I think I've gotten all my dates for the finals...those kinda ticked me off. School ends June 11th (Friday). My first exam is for German. This is the killer annoying one.

German - Monday, June 14th, 8:15 AM - 12:15 PM.


Math - Tuesday, June 15th, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM.


Biology - Friday, June 18th, 8:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Not to mention...

Biology SAT II - Saturday, June 5th, 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM

Blah. Lots of finals. More than I expected.
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This certifies that I, Salandarin,

Have Become Cooler
Than I was Before


That's proof. Eat it fools.

Nothing much happened today except for FALLING ASLEEP HALF A DOZEN TIMES DURING SCHOOL. Was so tired...soo...soo...tired. Still am, but not as much. Blah. Ate cookies, got crapped in Halo, pretty non-descript day. Blah.
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Woo...I did some mroe poking at my video card, I'm hoping to O/C it higher, after I clean up the actual physical computer. Maybe up to 650 mem mhz, and 310 core mhz? Who knows. I need to get 3D Mark to test it, but the program is gigantic - it's in pure .exe format, not even zipped. BLAH.

For those of you don't care about computers, I'll stop talking about them. Anyways. My dad decided to ship Christophers computer without my actually finishing all the crap. Which really annoys me, but hey, there's some kind of LAN game going on around me...I think I'll join in.
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Quick agenda of my day.

-Woke up.
-Accidentally fell asleep after getting ready and missed bus. Luckily dad stayed home sick, so we had the car.
-Went to school.
-FINALLY finished the DDP project after school.
-Walked to Commons, went to Dollar Store, bought things (food).
-Walked to Ben's house, let his dog outside for a minute.
-Walked to Zach's house, stared at rifle, discovered the physics of a swirly bottle thingy.
-Walked to my house, stared at guns, played Foosball (all this for a total of 10 minutes).
-Dealt with Dad's crankiness Zach and Ben had to leave really early.
-Went to mow an overly obsessive and really moronic lady's lawn.
-Came home, ate stuff.
-Posted on blog.

Stuff to note:

-Overclocked my video card by about 10%. Noticable difference, still haven't completely tested reliability.

Core Clock IS: 290 Mhz Memory Clock IS: 599 Mhz
Core Clock WAS: 270 Mhz Memory Clock WAS: 540 Mhz

Processor temperature has definately risen, I was averaging about 33 C before, I'm now up to 42 C, though that's partially due to the weather. I'll do some vacuuming, prolly fix then fans, that should help a lot. Yay.
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Weekend was amazingly boring, but that's okay. I finally finished my Halo 2 madness, having seen the videos dozens of times. Daniel is finally back, managed to talk to him a good bit today and yesterday. I burned him a CD full of all the Halo stuff. I also found a program which actually allows me to burn my normal CD-R's. WOOT! So today I walked with Zach and stuck around at his house till around 4:45, came home (it's only a 5 or 10 minute walk, yay!), comaplined to dad about getting the review book for Biology....which I think he now has. As of now, my feet hurt. I never walk much, so it's a new and hard-to-accept change. Yay.
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Sam's over here for the far we've shot lego dudes...and...played Halo...talked to people...he's playing Ninja Gaiden right now. Woo!
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I promise, no more Halo 2 posts...really! I haven't really done all that much recently. At all. I'm sitting here watching Peter attempt to go to a wesbite...terribly amusing...ah...they're trying to see his scores...anyways. easily distracted. Hahaha...

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Yes. I know I haven't made a real post all week. Yes. I know you don't care about Halo 2. Yes. I know I'm obsessed. But I don't care! EAT MORE HALO 2 ARTICLES AND FOOTAGE! The footage is minimal (only ~20 seconds) but it's actualy gameplay stuff. THere are currently three places to retrieve this footage, but only by streaming, tiny, annoying-ness. Gamespot, IGN, and the E3 main site have it. There's also some interviews and more articles to look at.

The E3 Main Site video is also stuck together with other game footage, but the Halo 2 stuff is at the beginning.

Footage 1 (E3 Main)

For Gamespot, scroll down to "Gameplay Footage 1".

Footage 2 (Gamespot)

You actually have the option of downloading the video at IGN, fortunately. I'd actually rate the IGN one as best quality.

Footage 3 (IGN)

Gamespot also presented their view on Halo 2, and IGN posted two more volumes of impressions. I love Gamespot, they're usually reliable. These two volumes are also much sorter (~one page).Woot!

Impressions 1 (Gamespot)

Impressions 2 (IGN)

Impressions 3 (IGN)

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After 6 hours of sleep, I'm back at school again...hoping more E3 stuff will be released by the time I get home. w00t! I sent Daniel (he's off in NC, for his yearly trip to Hattera's) the screenshots and IGN review of the demo. I forgot to add the link to that too - the IGN review has a LOT of meat to it. I think the next thing in store for E3 this week is a real multiplayer game. I hope so, at least!

IGN Article

There's also a Gamespy review. I despise Gamespy, but it's a read for those seeking, nonetheless.

Gamespy Article

Finally, two new links for the E3 video have been released. These two are the best quality and best resolution - but requires a 30-40 minute download wait. Stupid FilePlanet.

Video 7 (227 MB)

Video 8 (337 MB)


UPDATE: A really nifty IGN interview of Pete Parsons (Bungie Employee) is up. Reall good stuff, though whoever posted it did a poor job, some questions are mixed randomly or cut off mid sentence. Still really good!

IGN Interview


UPDATE2: A picture of the Halo 2 regular and Halo 2 LE box has been shown, though not confirmed.

Halo 2 Boxshot?
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Alright. I'm in E3 hype mode, forgive my Halo 2 madness. But I must give you at least a few links to the best stuff coming to the market - November 9th. In the midst of E3, released 10 new screenshots apart from the Real Time Multi-Player Halo 2 Demonstration. I provided multiple links for the video. All the videos are the same, but for safe-ness, I posted all easy access hosts. I doubt many people use Bittorent, but I'll provide the link for that one too.


Video 1 (25 MB)

Video 2 (In four parts, 25 MB total)

Video 3 (25 MB)

Video 4 (Bittorent) (Higher quality, 65 MB)

Video 5 (100+ MB)

Video 6 (13.4 => 14.3 MB)



These screenshots (Excluding one can be downloaded in a much prettier form, in a .zip, too!

Screenshots (.zip)

Unfortunately, two of these screenshots were hosted elsewhere, so I have to have seperate links for those two.

Rogue Screenshot 1

Rogue Screenshot 2

In case these are pulled off the web too, I saved them to my hd, and will host them personally if need be. In my frenzy I'va also saved every signiivant Halo2 screenshot to my hd as well! WHOOOO YEEEAH! I love E3.

I'm too busy to post much else right now...until tomorrow morning...
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Stayed home from school today, and I was going to work on school stuff, but I still woke up at 2:00. Mowed a lawn, went to Scouts, about to finish that work up. I've spent a few hours working on Christopher's new laptop - installing and deleting crap. I'm hoping to give him some videos of stuff, to entertain him. Not much to say, really...

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Man, what a jam-packed day...a lot has happened for just one day. Woke up, went to church, Sunday school was pretty darn home, gave my mom a hug and cleaned most of the house. (Dusted, vacuumed, sorted) and reogranized the basement. That was nifty. Brian dropped his computer by for fixing again...hopefully I can do it right this time. I really hope so. Ate some grilled chicken with bbq sauce for dinner...again...that was good. Did some poking in Brian's computer, determined it needs a good old format. He'll come by later tonight and drop off his CD's, which I will then use to format the HD. I'm supposed to have that back to him tomorrow. Tomorrow also includes the Boy Scout meeting and some lawn mowing, so that's gonna be a busy day. In top of all this, I do have a hefty load of easy set of German, but Math is killing me...Biology will take some time, too. As the final topper, I once again have approached problems.

I'm walking a fine line right now, between blaming my genetics, and just being stupid. Genetic depression/OCD, methinks, is really only a minimal issue in my life...having it still breeds self-reproach, however. It comes to mind a lot more being Mother's day...I just wanna think and feel normal for a while. I'm gonna try and concentrate on schoolwork, get down to studying for the SAT II, try and finish this school year with a 4.0. Perhaps the work will get all this crap off my mind...I don't know. However, my situation seems not so far from what SK was would think I'd have learned my lesson the first time through. I'm quite aware that none of this really makes sense...but, I doubt it really needs to. Someone needs to invent a concentration pill. Think about whatever you wanna concentrate on when you take the pill, and poof, there you are, consumed with school for a full 24 hours. Of course, druggies would probably just say Ritilan, but I'd prefer something legal, non-addictive, and unharmful. That'd be just dandy. As I contemplate how not to be stupid, I shall finish my homework on Quadratic equations.
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Wonderful random stuff site: Fuali!

Quiz results:

4% Goth
14% Metrosexual
51% (Insert word for generally mean/annoying person)
52% g33k
70% Evil

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Really cool day - spent all of it editing litestep and making final touches! HERE IS THE FINAL PRODUCT!

EDIT: The image isn't loading, i dunno why. You'll just have to live with a LINK.

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Alrighty..... been having a fairl good few days here, nothing spectacular, but life has kept on moving - which is a good thing. Spent Thursday doing various stuff...stayed after school with Ben to work in DDP. I've been on a roll of incompetency...he managed to do at least twice as much work as I did. Normally I'm pretty competent in there...oh well. In any case, we got most of the work done. Walked home with Ben and Zach afterwards, perused the Dollar Store - lots of fun. I downloaded Litestep yesterday....truly is a wonderful thing. At the moment I'm contriving to get a screen shot, but I have yet to do that...I'll get one up later tonight. I think it looks really neat-o. Because there's nothing on it! Bwahaha. So I've spent my night looking at code and changing stuff, instead of going to the Spring Fling (dance). I feel accomplished.
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Whoo, confusing day so far. Having an ortho appointment at 11:00 - 11:15 ish. Which sucks. A lot. Paul gave me a nifty C++ book, though I now need a program to try whatever I learn in it. I feel so ungeekish....I was just introduced to a group of guys who are actually making a game. And it's actually 3D. Chances are it will suck, but even so. I feel so pitiful now. :-/ Oh well.

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Prety average day, I managed to get some sleep, all good stuff. Uncle Jim left while I was gone, he'll be back for a day later next week. 5 week reports come up this Friday...I'm fairly sure I did pretty well, but for a while I had some low grades because of missed stuff. I'm not too worried. In other back my Halo PC CD, and I was gonna download HaloCE (Custom Edition) and the HEK (Halo Editing Kit), but it seems a bit in over my head. When I have time, I'll try it out. For now, I think I'll wait until I have a good amount of free time.
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Today has been funky, ups and downs, it's been somewhere between a "..." and "O.o". Biggest factor was alack of sleep, I only got 5 hours of it last night. Rents randomly tell me that my uncle will be here in 5 hours (he's here now). Not a bad thing, he's cool, just sudden. Gotta do lots of reading...only I homework I have to do tonight. Must make timeline of the book. Must read 100 pages. w00t. In any case, I must be going to do important things. As a side note, I hooked up my stereo speakers (as in full size speakers, that are as big as my moniter) to my computer. Sooner or later I'll bother setting up surround sound, but not right now.

OH! I keep forgetting to post my school schedule.

»Math 10 Honors
»Global 10 Honors
»English 10 Semester Double Periods Honors (Semester 1)
»German 3 Honors
»Physical Chemistry
»PLTW: Digital Electronics (w00t!)
»Intro to Programming: 1 (Visual Basic :-P) (Semester 2)
»Intro to Programming: 2 (Java! :-D) (Semester 2)

It's gonna rock.
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Yet another post. Too funny for words.

I'd make it right on the page, but it's too funny for that. It needs to be in context.
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Random quiz I thought was amusing:

What would your Anime life be like? by hearthlight
Your looks:Vivid green hair and glasses.
Your best friend:A sickeningly sweet schoolgirl
Your powers:None, you're utterly normal.
Your beloved:A villain.
Your occupation:Villain.
Your ending:Sweet and romantic.
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!
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Today has been turbulant, again. I woke up at 12:30, longer than I had expected but not bad. Stupid alarm woke me up at 7:15, for a moment. Bah. Besides that, I got a haircut, which I'm pretty pleased with. Did some more work, for a grand total of 7 bux. Played Halo with Daniel. And talked to people. A good Saturday, but the whole "talking to people" part could have been better. Oh well. :-/
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I managed a good day at school, but my time at home has been rather turbulant, having come to the end of another week. My dad managed to get me signed up for the SAT II's - and I'm SO RELIEVED! The gigantic handbook they gave me has previous questions from SAT II's, and man does it look easier than I thought it would be! I was really scared since I haven't started studying, but, I think I'll be ok with some extra poking around in the review book. In other news, I did nothing today. Gonna get myself all these hairs cut tomorrow, and then...I dunno. I'm starting to detiorate as it gets late on my full 5 hours of sleep. It's not 12:50 and I need sleep. I started this at 11:00. Wow.
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