Ducks with chapstick. Really.
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"A quotation, like a pun, should come unsought, and then be welcomed only for some propriety of felicity justifying the intrusion."
Robert ChapmanI thought the irony here would be enough to justify posting that. I truly do love Google's
homepage doodle. It warms my heart.
I have spent the last days before school playing WoW, and doing nothing else. Work ended Friday, I got my paycheck, and once Dad gets back, the parts are coming. He gets back next Sunday, while Mom and Jonothan get back the Sunday after that. This leaves me semi-home alone, with just Emily who is here periodically to make it seem as if the house weren't occupied by a single hermit.
I overslept for Church today (second time in a row), and I shall blame my faulty alarm clock, that doth not ring when I ask it to. This leaves me concerned for my braces removal appointment tomorrow at 8:15. I can only hope that they will remove the darned things and ignore the fact that I've never worn those silly rubber bands. The same day, I also visit the
journeyman Opthomaligast to figure out how my eyes are doing. This also means new glasses, which I am rather excited about, as I will be choosing a more stylish and fashionable pair that ever before. No, I will not be getting contacts. The idea of sticking things in your eye is wrong, and cannot be justified.
And now, I go to sleep, or at least the place where sleep occurs, so that I might not shoot myself in the morning.
Despite Microsoft's horrible price gouging, Sony is worse.EDIT EDIT:

[01:16] tim: alrighty
[01:16] TheMysteriousMrZ: ?
[01:16] tim: i should hopefully get my braces off tomorrow morning
[01:17] tim: which i have to get up at 7:30 for
[01:17] tim: so, i'm out
[01:17] TheMysteriousMrZ: woaaah, that's gonna be weird
[01:17] tim: you bet
[01:17] tim: plus, i'm getting new glasses this week
[01:17] tim: my face is going to melt
[01:17] TheMysteriousMrZ: OMG
[01:17] TheMysteriousMrZ: it's like tim PRIME
[01:17] tim: or
[01:17] tim: like tim 2.0!
[01:18] TheMysteriousMrZ: gentlemen, we can rebuild him
[01:18] tim: "first, we'll remove his braces"
[01:18] tim: "then we'll extract his liver, and replace it with high voltage batteries"
[01:19] TheMysteriousMrZ: "how will he digest food?' "ELECTRICITY"
[01:19] tim: "and if he survives that, maybe a nose job is in order"
[01:19] tim: "his new nose will contain razor sharp needles instead of hairs"
[01:20] TheMysteriousMrZ: that would be like the the suckiest six million dollar man ever
[01:20] tim: are you kidding?
[01:20] tim: imagine him sneezing
[01:20] tim: that's his superpower
[01:20] tim: activated by snuff powder
[01:20] TheMysteriousMrZ: lol like poetry in motion
As Daniel noted, this is approximately the second anniversary of this blog, with me at around 370 posts, Daniel at 460. I choose to note that most of my posts are more flavorful and filled with words. And for some reason Blogger does not have my stats on posts/week and words/post. Teh lose.